sanctions 19 July 2018

Iran sues US over sanctions 

Iran has launched proceedings against the US at the International Court of Justice (‘ICJ’) in The Hague over the re-imposition of sanctions following the US’s exit from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (‘JCPOA’) on 8 May.

In its application, Iran states that through its decision ‘to reimpose in full effect and enforce’ sanctions against Iran, Iranian companies and its people, the US ‘has violated and continues to violate multiple provisions of the 1955 Treaty.’

This refers to the Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights, an infrequently used legal instrument setting out the legal framework for bi-lateral relations between the two countries entered into when Iran was under the rule of the Shah.

‘Iran is committed to the rule of law in the face of US contempt for diplomacy and legal obligations,’ said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a tweet on the lawsuit.

Although the ICJ is the supreme United Nations court and its decisions are binding, it lacks the means to enforce its judgments.


For further details of the action please see: