russia 11 February 2023

Switzerland blocks export of Swiss-made guns from Spain to Ukraine

Switzerland has announced that it will block Spain’s decision to send two Swiss-made anti-aircraft guns to Ukraine in the fight against the Russian invasion as it would break the country’s centuries-long policy of neutrality.

The decision was announced after Spain submitted a request to send the weapons back in mid-January.

Switzerland’s policy of neutrality in conflict expressly bans the sale of Swiss-made products to be used in conflict scenarios, under its War Material Law. Any country purchasing weapons from Switzerland must gain permission before re-exporting them.

Switzerland has already blocked similar requests from other European countries including Denmark and Germany, but it is the first time it has happened to Spain. Last year, Swiss authorities blocked a German export of Swiss ammunition for Gepard tanks and a Danish request to supply Piranha III battle tanks.

Despite Switzerland’s claims to neutrality, the country has complied with the European Union’s economic sanctions against Russia, leading Russia to label Switzerland as a ‘hostile’ state since the beginning of the war.