Roundtable discussion: Enforcement trends in export controls and sanctions

14 February 2022 Price: £99.00
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The ‘Covid years’ of 2020-2021 have not been marked by the kind of big-ticket penalties and settlements that hitherto worried global business. But that’s not to say that they haven’t been busy: to date, OFAC’s tally of 2021 settlements weighs in at a modest $20m – but they’ve been across a slew of industries and sectors.

And observers expect new trends: A stronger role for the US DoJ? A more muscular stance taken by post-Brexit UK’s OFSI? China’s national security laws coming of age?

Indeed, regulators on both sides of the Atlantic warn that they remain vigilant, against a backdrop of new trade control regimes and geopolitical tensions.

In this Roundtable discussion, leading sanctions/trade controls practitioners explore the big enforcement events and their significance for industry, highlighting trends, emphases, and the regulator concerns that underpin them, promising valuable insights for organisations’ compliance budgeting, planning and allocation of resources. 

Moderator: Tom Blass, Editor, WorldECR